Department of computer-integrated technologies, automation and robotics



CITAM department congratulates Igor Nevliudov with obtaining a certificate of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine!

CITAM department congratulates Igor Nevliudov with obtaining a certificate of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine!


For a significant personal contribution to the development of national education and science, fruitful educational and pedagogical activities, conscientious work and high professionalism of Igor Nevliudov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the CITAM Department of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, he was awarded the Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine!

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Syllabuses of department disciplines

Syllabuses of department disciplines


The syllabuses of the disciplines of CITAM department are available

by link

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Choosing a future profession is a crucial step!

Choosing a future profession is a crucial step!


Your future is in your hands.

Choose your profession of the future in the First among the best!
Meet with faculty members, students and graduates of our university at the online education marathon “Introductory 2020 in NURE” every day from June 9 to June 15 from 10:00 on the NURE TV channel, where you will learn about the features of training in all educational programs of NURE, you can put direct questions to those who will teach you, or are already studying or have already received a diploma, and choose your educational program, according to which you will study in the First among the best.

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Data about resources of the educational process on the educational programs of CITAM department

Data about resources of the educational process on the educational programs of CITAM department


The Department of Computer-Integrated Technologies, Automation and Mechatronics conducts training of applicants for the following educational programs: “Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies” and “System Engineering” first (bachelor’s) level of higher education; “Automated control of technological processes”, “Computer-integrated technological processes and production”, “Computerized and robotic systems” second (master) level of higher education; “Automation and computer-integrated technologies” the third (educational-scientific) level of higher education within the specialty 151 Automation and computer-integrated technologies; “Radio-electronic devices” and “Intelligent technologies of radio-electronic means” the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education; “Intelligent Technologies of Microsystem Radioelectronic Equipment” the second (master) level of higher education within the specialty 172 Telecommunications and Radio Engineering.

To train applicants for educational programs, the department uses in-university laboratories, laboratories of general educational departments and the laboratories in the squares of which it is located.

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Assistant of CITAM Department Chala Elenatook part in “All Digital Week 2020”

Assistant of CITAM Department Chala Elenatook part in “All Digital Week 2020”


The situation in the country and around the world is not a reason to sit around. Teachers of our department constantly take part in various events, help to develop, improve their pedagogical and scientific skills, adopt the experience of colleagues, learn new things in order to improve their knowledge and skills, and use them in practice, and improve the educational process.

Our colleague, Assistant of CITAM Department Chala Elena took part in “All Digital Week 2020”, which took place within the framework of the project “Digital competencies framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens”, dComFra and received the corresponding certificates.

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CITAM department launched the defense of certification work of bachelors

CITAM department launched the defense of certification work of bachelors


        On the first day of protection, students showed high knowledge, demonstrated real mock-ups of developed devices.

       The department is grateful to the excellent students and members of the Examination Commission for their work!

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Our teachers took part in the IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking

Our teachers took part in the IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking


On May 26-29, 2020, the teachers of our CITAM department, namely the head of the department, professor I. Nevlyudov, dean of the faculty of ACT, professor A. Filipenko, senior lecturer of the department O. Sycheva, took part in the VIII International Conference “IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking” with a presentation on the subject of Mathematical Technique for Photonic Crystal Fibers Automated Positioning Module.

The IEEE BlackSeaCom series of conferences is held in the countries surrounding the Black Sea. The goal of IEEE BlackSeaCom is to bring together scientists from academia, research laboratories and industry from around the world to the shores of the Black Sea. Here they look at many of the outstanding grandiose challenges that exist in the field of communications and networks, and at the same time have the opportunity to explore this exciting and dynamic region with a rich history.

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Friends, we invite you to Virtual Open Day!

Friends, we invite you to Virtual Open Day!


Dear Friends, Colleagues, Applicants!

We invite you to join our Virtual Open Day, which will be held May 24, 2020 at 10:00 on the YouTube channel

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Work at the department goes on as usual!

Work at the department goes on as usual!


Work at our department goes on as usual, no matter what!

The meeting of СITAM department, which holds by the head of the department I. Nevlyudov pass every week!
For example, this week at a meeting of the department was attended by 22 teachers of the department! The following issues were discussed on the agenda:
1. On the course of conducting classes in remote mode for 1-2 courses and on measures to improve the work of teachers.
2. About work with experts of academic reputation, experts on employment of graduates
3. The status of work and tasks with a new technique.
4. On the implementation of decisions and tasks (the conclusion and implementation of research work (business agreement), preparation for publication: a collection of student research works; textbooks, textbooks, monographs)
5. On the progress of students’ work experience and approval of the subject of bachelor’s certification work.
6. On the formation of the subject of master’s work
7. About the course / results of the examination session of part-time students.

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Even coronavirus is not a problem!

Thanks to modern technologies, the 16th International Conference PERSPECTIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS IN MEMS DESIGN was remotely held on 22-26 Quint 2020.

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Virtual platform

Virtual platform


Any technology program is best tested on real equipment. This allows you to find inaccuracies in the code and algorithms that are embedded in its work. At the training stage, during the training process, when the PLC programming experience is still not enough, laboratory mock-ups play a crucial role – they develop the skill of engineers to anticipate the possible consequences of an error in the program. For this, mock-ups of real devices, machines or even entire automated production sites are created.

Stands of OWEN and CAMOZZI Automation

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The new schedule of the educational process is approved

The new schedule of the educational process is approved


Dear students and teachers!

In connection with the introduction of quarantine, changes were made to the schedule of the educational process (order No. 145 of 03/19/2020)

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