Congratulations to our student on winning the International Competition of Student Scientific Papers!
June 3, 2022 on the basis of the Kremenchuk National University named after Mikhail Ostrogradsky, a meeting of the industry competition commission was held International competition of student scientific works specialty 151 “Automation and computer-integrated technologies”.
The competition received 35 scientific papers by 53 authors from 8 countries of the world from 11 Ukrainian and 8 foreign institutions of higher education, including: MBA, Integral University (Indiia); Warsaw University (Poland); University of Business Incubators ISMA Riga (Latvia); Turiba University, Riga (Latvia); Zhejiang International Maritime College (China); Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia); University of Finance, Business and Entrepreneurship, Sofia (Bulgaria); Batumi Navigational Educational University (Georgia).
Congratulations to the student of our department of the group СITPm-21-1, Slyusar Andrey Pavlovich (supervisor Ph.D., associate professor Sofiia Khrustalova ), with a victory in the competition and receiving a Diploma of the 1st degree with the work “Remote metering and control of water consumption”!
We wish the student and his supervisor in such a difficult time Peaceful sky, good health and further success in life and work!
We are also grateful to the following students and their leaders who took part in the competition:
1. Supervisor: Nevlyudova V., candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the СITAM department, applicant: Bendeberya Maria , 2nd year student, faculty of ACT, group AKTSI-20-3;
2. Supervisor: Aleksandrov Yu., Ph.D., professor, professor of the department of СITAM, applicant: Naumenko Daniil, 2nd year student, faculty of ACT, group TRITZR-20-1;
3. Supervisor: Starodubtsev N., candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the СITAM department, applicant: Kuzmenko Alexander , 2nd year student, faculty of ACT, group AKTAKIT-20-2.