Department of computer-integrated technologies, automation and robotics


Hey student!

🔥 Hey student! Still can’t choose which IT specialty to apply for? Then come to our event!


Especially for you, Kharkiv IT Cluster together with Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics and IT company NIX will organize a meeting!

🧐 What are the features of the 2022 admission campaign? How to choose an IT specialty to your liking? What are the conditions for admission to each of the IT specialties in KNURE? What IT specialties are currently in the greatest demand in the labor market? The lecturers of the meeting will tell everyone about this:

👉 Andrey EROKHIN, Deputy Chairman of the Admission Committee, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.
👉 Ekaterina NECHAY, NIX Corporate Training Center Manager.

You should come if you:
🔹 you still don’t understand how admission 2022 works;
🔹 you can’t figure out which area of ​​knowledge is associated with a certain profession in IT;
🔹 Do you want to enter the desired specialization without problems;
🔹Do you want to know more about working in IT?;
🔹 looking for like-minded people.

Register and come!

❗️May 12 (Thursday) at 19:00.
❗️Online on the Zoom platform.
❗️Be sure to register and get access to the meeting.

Registration link here! 

❓ There are questions about admission, education and IT, but no answer?
Then just register! We will answer all your questions 😉

What specialties will be considered – read the link!

See you at the event!

👉 Subscribe to the channel ✈️ Поступити легко – up-to-date information for applicants!

👉 Go to🧑‍💻Портал абітурієнта – choose the IT profession of your dreams!