Department of computer-integrated technologies, automation and robotics


Serhii Tesliuk

Serhii Tesliuk
Senior Lecturer Department of Computer-Integrated Technologies, Automation and Mechatronics (CITAM)

Education and Career
In 2013 he graduated from the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics with basic higher education in the field of “Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies” with qualification of a bachelor – specialist in automation and computer-integrated technologies.

In 2014 he finished the Master education for the specialty «Computer-Integrated Technological Processes and Manufacturing», qualification «Research Engineer (Computer Systems)».

2015 – engineer at the TAVR Department (KhNURE)

Since 2016 till now – graduate student at the specialty 151 – «Automation and computer-integrated technologies» KNURE

Since 2016 the assistant of the СITAM Dept. (part-time)

Since 2021 the Senior Lecturer of the СITAM Dept.

Educational activities
Teaches the courses: «Electrical engineering and electro-mechanics», «Fundamentals of production of REA», «Software tools of integrated systems in production», «Software and hardware complexes and software of ACS TP».

Research activities
Participation in the State Budget theme № 300 «Creation of micro-miniature components of electro-mechanical intelligent technological means of industrial equipment and robotics».

Publications and patents
Over 15 publications