Department of computer-integrated technologies, automation and robotics


We offer an interdisciplinary study module at the University of Cologne!

Dear interested parties,

We are again offering an interdisciplinary teaching module combining biology and technology to explore climate change and root zone. In international teams you will develop and evaluate your own experiments. We will conduct most of the module online, but in addition you will be allowed to come to the University of Cologne  for two to three weeks to conduct experiments (costs covered by the University of Cologne Plant-Ukraine project, Plant Ukraine WS2324) (approx. from 30.10.2023-17.11.2023). The module starts on 25.09.2023 and we expect regular participation. Up to 12 credit points (equivalent to 360h of time) can be earned. However, we need your feedback on which exams you have to take in order to get credit for the module at your university (please ask for support from the lecturers).  An oral presentation, as well as the preparation of a labbook are obligatory and other performance tests (such as a written exam) can be set.

Please find attached the flyer and feel free to contact me for further information.

If you are interested, please contact me and answer the following questions:

1. Are you willing to complete the full module? (360 h time expenditure)
2. Do you speak English and/or German?
3. What and where do you study and in which semester?
4. Do you want to travel to Cologne (by plane, train or bus) ? Is 2 
and/or 3 weeks good for you? Do you agree to share an apartment with 
up to 10 participants? Do you have special requirements?
5. Are you a teamplayer?