Department of computer-integrated technologies, automation and robotics


Teachers took part in Tech Summer for Teachers Bootcamp-2023!

Our teachers Prof. Novoselov S.P., Assoc. Khrustalova S.V. and Assoc. Sychova O.V. in the summer, they also received advanced training and took part in the Tech Summer for Teachers Bootcamp-2023 from the SoftServe company!

Tech Summer for Teachers Bootcamp -2023 — a series of 5 workshops from SoftServe experts:
💥 5 topical topics: from working with data and AI to project management, quantum programming and cybersecurity accreditation features;
💥 interesting lectures, useful knowledge and new acquaintances!

The bootcamp was for teachers and methodologists who seek to constantly update their training courses for today’s students. After all, this is the main prerequisite for the successful formation of skills necessary for the employment of students and their future professional career.