Department of computer-integrated technologies, automation and robotics


Our teachers underwent professional development at SSWU TCHR002: TEACHERS` SMARTUP: SUMMER PRODUCTIVITY

The teachers of the CHINA department are engaged in self-development even during the summer vacation! Prof. S. Novoselov, Assoc. prof. O. Sychova, Assoc. prof. A. Bronnikov and Sen. lect. S. Teslyuk received advanced training from Sigma Software in the summer at the event SSWU TCHR002: TEACHERS` SMARTUP: SUMMER PRODUCTIVITY !

Advanced training was held on the following topics: Updating and expanding knowledge in the field of using new technologies for distance and face-to-face education from JavaScript frameworks, From code to product: building our own CI/CD pipelines, Blockchain in continuous education and professional development, Development Operations on modern projects, JS/TS Application Areas, Workshop Strategies and Tactics, HTTP Frameworks with Json (Scala), Data Engineering Trends and Tools, Life on the Other Side of Object Oriented Programming, Learning Java: Educating a New Generation of Programmers, Impact of Architectural Patterns and Approaches on the structure of the code base of the project, Low-code development!