Department of computer-integrated technologies, automation and robotics


Our students took part in the 2nd round of the International Competition of Student Research Papers in the specialty 151 “Automation and computer-integrated technologies”!

On June 2, 2023, the head of the CITAM department, Prof. I. Nevlyudov and teachers of the CITAM department prof. Yu. Romashov, associate professor A. Bronnikov, prof. V. Yevseev  took part in II rounds of the International Competition of Student Scientific Papers за спеціальністю 151 «Автоматизація та комп’ютерно-інтегровані технології» , яка проводиться у Кременчуцькому національному університеті імені Михайла Остроградського під патронатом Національної комісії України у справах Юнеско (лист № 413/19-194/087-83620 від 19.10.2022).


From the Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, the scientific works of the winners of the CHINA department, Daryna Nenova (AKTAKIT-21-1) and Kateryna Stetsenko (AKTAKIT-20-3) were presented to the competition.


Presentation material of Nenova Daryna’s report:


Presentation material of Kateryna Stetsenko’s report:




After successful defenses, there was a commission meeting to discuss the results!

Congratulations to Daryna Nenova (AKTAKIT-21-1) and her supervisor Professor Yury Romashov with the 1st place in the section “Information Technologies in Production” and Kateryna Stetsenko (AKTAKIT-20-3) and her supervisor Associate Professor Bronnikov Artem with the 2nd place in the section “Information technologies in production”!